Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Poisson Distribution

Poisson Distribution
Originally uploaded by USUDave.
Stats 3000: Sometime Fall 2006.
The poisson distribution is a distribution in Statistics, but poisson is actually french for "fish". These are my two fish. The big guy is an 8-10" Oscar, and the little guy is a 3-4" Green Terror.

The Poisson Distribution (quoted from my stats book itself here) is; "A random variable X distributed as a Poisson random variable with parameter λ, which is written X ~ P(λ) and has a probability mass function P(X=x) = (e^-λ * λ^x) / x! for x = 0,1,2,3.... The Poisson distribution is often useful to model the number of times that a certain event occurs per unit of time, distance, or volume, and it has a mean and variance both equal to the parameter λ."

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